Replying Inquiry Letter

Group 1

Lindu Sukma Melati         (7101419147)

Arif Rizky Darmawan      (7101419161)

Veni Afriyani                     (7101419178)

 Replying Inquiry Letter

Letters are an important communication medium for a company. With the presence of letters, several companies can communicate and achieve their goals. The letter in the company is certainly a professional letter. In all scenarios, letters to professionals must be well-written and correctly formatted. When writing to any professional, their letter needs to be focused and concise, so that their point is made clearly, definitively, and politely.


One type of letter in business is replying to inquiry letter. This letter plays an important role because it is a response and a feedback. Replying to an inquiry letter can be a way of doing business for the company. The following is an explanation of replying to inquiry letters from various sources, check this out!



As we know that replying to inquiry letter is a response to inquiry letter, so we need to know inquiry letter first. Inquiry letter are letter used to ask for information or arrive in order to ask for more information about a product or a service. So, a replying to inquiry letter is simply the letter you write in response to an inquiry you received earlier. The main goal while writing them is to meet the sender’s request. They may need to provide information, set up a call or send a sample product.


Replay to inquiry letter is very important because it is the first step to a potential costumer or partner and to make a good impression. Of course, the best impression will be made by providing the materials or information that the prospective sender has asked for, this positive impression will be improved by a well-written response. Recipient of replying inquiry letter is surely the same person who contacted earlier. That’s why we should treat each and every inquiry with care and respect.


Parts of Letter

The replying to inquiry part of the letter is almost the same as any other business letter. It's just that there are differences in content. The parts of the replying to inquiry letter are as follows:


1. Heading

2. Inside address

3. Salutation

4. Opening Paragraph

5. Provide requested items or materials

6. Give additional stuffs or information

7. Closing paragraph

8. Complimentary close

9. Signature

10. Name


Phrases of The Paragraph

Here are some phrases of the paragraph that are often used in replying to inquiry letters:


1.      Opening

Firstly, open the letter with appreciation. Show the potential partner our  gratitude and thank them for their interest in our product or service. After that, mention their inquiry in the former letter so that they know the matter we discuss here. So, here are some phrases in the opening:

  • ü  Thank you for your interest in our product or service. 
  • ü  We truly appreciate your letter asking for information about our service.
  • ü  It was a pleasure to receive your inquiry about the product of our company.


2.      Body

The most important thing we need to do here is to provide the information needed. Go straight to the main points. Tell them how you send it as well: attached in the mail, synthesized in a link below, etc. Here some phrases to provide requested items:

  • ü  According to your inquiry, we have enclosed ___.
  • ü  In response to your inquiry, please find attached in this letter ___.
  • ü  We are pleased to satisfy your demand with the attached information.


Besides, we can give additional details if suitable. However, we need to explain how it may be of use to them. Never send extra items for nothing. Here some phrases to give additional stuff:

  • ü  In addition to the information above, we also attached ___.
  • ü  Besides the given information, we also enclosed ___.
  • ü  In order to fully answer your request, we would like to give you some further details.
  • ü  There is some other information we believe may be useful to you.


3.      Closing

End the letter in an open manner. After providing the requested stuff, save some spaces for future contact. Use a warm, fairly enthusiastic tone in this closing part. Last but not least, express your sincere hope for further discussion as well as a partnership between the two companies. This will complete the effective of the letter. Here are some classic, polite closures for a response to an inquiry:

a.       Suggest a call/meeting

ü  Hopefully, the information attached is sufficient for you.

ü  In case you would like to have more information, we are happy to arrange a call and a meeting for our further discussion on this matter.

ü  We also look forward to welcoming you to our office for a better understanding between us.

b.      Show readiness to assist

ü  Should there be any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ü  If you require further information, feel free to contact me.

ü  Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Some Useful Notes

Besides the basic format, there are some crucial notes that should remember while replying to an inquiry letter:


  1. Acknowledge receipt of the letter

Receipt is a sender of inquiry letter which is very important. When we acknowledge them, we can make the right response for their inquiry.

  1. Provide your answer in detail and make it simple for comprehension

Receipt don’t need a complicated answer with a log explanation. Make it simple as can and make easy to reach for them. It is very useful for them.

  1. Understand the request precisely

The most important thing is that you are able to provide your customer with the information they need and the exact information. Wrong, insufficient, and useless data will completely shut down the chance of doing business with them.

  1. Reply as soon as possible

Give proper priority to the customer’s inquiry. Furthermore, this action also saves time for both you and your customer.

  1. Don’t overdo with added data

Too much of information will just make them become excessive. When add more information, make sure you really understand the customer’s request. Think carefully about what would truly be useful to them, and attach these only. Nothing more, nothing less!


The Samples


Jalan Kenanga Barat 56




Your Ref        : 876/LP- RR/X/2020                                   22nd October 2020

Our Ref          : 112/JK_RTU/2020



To. Mr. Tono Supadji

Sales Manager of PT. Maju Jaya & Co. Ltd

Jl. Suryopranoto 88

Jakarta 10160, Indonesia


Dear Sir,


We thank you for your inquiry letter of 19th October 2020 requesting catalogue and pricelist of our furniture, and also thank you for your interest in our products.


We have pleasure in sending you under separate cover our illustrated catalogue which gives you full particulars of our furniture together with the prices. We are also let you know that we have given you our very lowest quotations; for orders of 20 and more we shall allow you our special discount of 5 %. All qualities can at present be supplied from stock, but in view of the keen demand we would advise you to send us your order immediately.


We hope you will find our prices and terms satisfactory and look forward to hearing from you soon.



Yours Faithfully,




Budi Raharja

Sales Manager


Encl : Catalogue & Pricelist

Another sample:

There are also PPT that can download in here and video about replying to inquiry letter in here



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