Order Letter




Nunung Setiyawati¹, Gesti Tri Ramadayanti², Dafik Aryanto³


Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang Nunungsetiyawati08@gmail.com




Through today's technology, sales can be made without meeting directly between the seller and the buyer. Sales and purchases can be made through communication media such as telephone. After the buyer sees an example of something he wants, whether through the internet, newspapers, brochures, he can contact the seller to order the item. The seller records and the mail order forms the basis of the transaction, so that the next item will be sent to the buyer where the buyer may have made a prepayment as if ordering the item advertised or the buyer could pay the seller when the item arrives. In this context we often hear the term purchase order. So the authors are interested in studying the purchase order for the agreement in the transaction. The purpose of this research is to find out how to transact using order letters properly.

Keyword : order letter



The technological era has brought changes in various fields of life, including the development of information and communication technology which plays an important role in the present. Information and communication technology has changed the behavior of society and human civilization globally. The development of information technology has made the world without borders and caused significant social change to take place so fast. Information and communication technology is currently leading to convergence that facilitates human activities as creators,

developers, and users of technology itself. Another advancement in the world of technology is the offering of goods through the internet. Almost all goods can be the object of trade via the internet, this is because the internet is the most effective medium today. However, it needs a limitation that only movable objects can be traded through the media. The implementation of buying and selling through this media in practice raises several problems, for example the buyer who should be responsible for paying a certain amount of the price of the product he bought, but did not make a payment. A contract or agreement must fulfill the validity of the agreement, namely agreement, skill, certain things and a lawful cause. Ideally, if the buyer wants to buy something, he will first look at the item, then bargain, and after an agreement is reached, the sale and purchase transaction is carried out. However, now sales can be made without meeting the seller and buyer. Sales and purchases can be made through communication media such as telephone. After the buyer sees an example of something he wants, whether through the internet, newspapers, brochures, he can contact the seller to order the item. The seller records and the mail order forms the basis of the transaction, so that the next item will be sent to the buyer where the buyer may have made a prepayment as if ordering the item advertised or the buyer could pay the seller when the item arrives. In this context we often hear the term purchase order.

In this study, the authors want to know in detail about how to transact using a good and correct order letter in order to achieve predetermined goals.


The Definition of Order Letter

Order letter is a document that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. It usually includes more information about what you are ordering, like quantity, model number, or color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the recipient receives this letter, they will process the order and send the merchandise. This letter functions as a contract between the buyer and the seller. It outlines the details of the merchandise or service, including price, quantity, terms, mode of payment, requested delivery date and the address of the location where the order should be delivered.

Part of Order Letter

An order letter needs the following things to be in check:

·         Contact information about yourself, the person/company that will supply to you and the date.

·         A subject line that helps the recipient to understand your purpose at once.

·         A salutation, like,  if you know the name of the seller,  write, “Dear..................... ”. If you

don't know the name of your seller, simply write “Dear Seller”

·         Information about your company; but this is totally optional. However, this can ensure a long-term relationship. You can also say a few words about your  future plans related to the sale.

·         Order details, and by details I mean everything. The model number, color, size, number, etc. Be attentive since they'll send whatever you will write. If possible, use bullet points  or tables. If you are buying different items of different types, describe them in separate paragraphs.

·         Mention your payment mode or if you've paid already, mention that next.

·         Indicate your preferred delivery method and date.

·         Include any special instructions as a part of the terms and conditions agreed between the parties.

·         Tell them that you'll enjoy future cooperation with them and  encourage them to  contact if needed.

·         Close with “Sincerely”, your signature and name.

The quality of the delivered goods will depend on your instructions. Not just that, it is literally a legal document between yourself and the seller. So beware of what goes in your order letter and pay a good deal of attention while drafting one.

Phrases in Order Letter

Opening Paragraph

1.       Thank you for replay of 3 january regarding the CD we wrote to you. Enclosed you will find our official order (A238) for....

2.       Your letter of 2 january conviced me to place a trial order for new type of “Compressor” you wrote about.

3.       Please find enclosed our order No. BH56 for 25 units of Samsung Galaxy Tabs. The Main Body

1.       We would like to thank you for the 30% trade discount and 10% quantity discount you allowed us.

2.       Each piece of crockery is to be individually wrapped in thick paper, packed in straw, and shipped in wooden crates marked and numbered 1 to 5.

3.       One we have received your advice of dispatch, we will send a banker’s draft to....

Closing Paragraph

1.       We hope that this will be the first of many orders we will placing with you.

2.       We will submit further orders, if this one is satisfactory for us.

3.       Finally, i look forward to receiving your advice of dispatch.

Sample Order Letter


December 14, 2019 Ms. Belinda F. Thomas 34 Saint Lane

Chicago IL, 90909 Dear Ms. Thomas


I write to order 50 pcs the Synilix Smart TV you had advertised on your website. I believe this product is still on offer.

I will be glad if I can receive these products before the end of the week. Charge this order to our account.

Thank you for your excellent services.



Sincerely yours,



Martin Lee Store manager

Accrosbay Technologies



The Trick of Making a Mail Order

If you want to write an excellent order letter, it imperative you must plan. The letter  should adopt a clear structure. A standard order email/letter should include the following sections:

1.       Subject

Your order letter should start with a subject line. This section should feature in the top middle section of your letter. This portion should be descriptive enough such that the recipient will know what you’re ordering by reading the subject line. For example, it can read” Order for 10 Counter Books”.

2.       Salutation

Use the appropriate greeting for the seller. If you know their name includes their second mane in this section; for example, Dear Mr. Thompson. If you don’t know their name, you can address them as “Dear Recipient or Dear Seller/supplier.

3.       Company introduction

If it’s your first time, you’re contacting the seller; you can share brief information about your company and your future aspirations. These details may be useful, especially if you

want to develop a lasting business relationship with the seller. In short, you’re introducing your business to the supplier.

4.       Order details

In this section, you’ll highlight all the details about what you are ordering. Make sure the information in this section is clear and accurate. Indicate the type of products you’re ordering, the model, size, color, quantities, etc. If you’re ordering different items, you can use a table or paragraphs to make sure the information is clear.

5.       How to pay

After highlighting the items you require, it’s essential to provide information on how  you’ll pay for the goods or services. If you’ve already paid, you should also include this information in the letter. For example, you can pay via check, credit card, money transfer, etc.

6.       Shipping

Indicate how you’d like the merchandise to be shipped to your preferred destination. It’s also essential to indicate your preferred deadline for delivery. If you use a specific courier for your shipments, indicate this information in the order letter.

7.       Important instructions

This section should feature any relevant information about your contract with your seller if you have any business agreement.

8.       Future business relationship

Under regular business operations, a seller pays more attention to orders from their existing customers. If you want to establish a robust business relationship with the supplier, it’s vital to share these sediments with them.

9.       Contacts

As you close the order letter, share your contact details. This is crucial since the seller might want to contact you to get clarification about the order. Share your phone numbers and email address.

10.   Letter closing

An order letter is a formal business document; thus, you should close the letter formally. Official closings you can use for the letter include: Sincerely, Respectfully, Regards, Kind Regards, Yours Sincerely, Best regards, etc.

After the closings, include your full names, signature, designation, and comma name.

Order Letter Format


Date    :

From   :

To        :




Dear Mr./Mrs. (name of recipient)

According to our earlier communication on (date), I request you to supply us with (indicate the items you’re ordering, including the names, sizes, quantities, and other relevant descriptive information).

I have already paid for the goods via (mode of payment) as we had agreed. Additionally, I would like the products to be delivered via (courier) on or before (date).

As a company, we look forward to a stable business relationship. Thank you.


Sincerely yours,




(Your name) (Designation) (Company name)



The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Purchase Order

When ordering goods consider the following

1.             Dos of Writing Purchase Order

·         Get the details. When purchasing goods, whether online or otherwise, it’s vital to ensure you have sufficient information about what you’re buying. You should not hesitate to get further information from the seller. Make sure you are contented with the product before making your purchase.

·         Use the right words. As you write the letter, you should embrace a polite tone. This is not only important for order letters but all business communication. In business, it’s vital to establish solid relationships with your partners.

·         Know when to expect the merchandise. When ordering products, especially online, it’s essential to know how long it will take to have the goods delivered. For example, if you have ordered some gifts for a wedding or a birthday, you must get assurance that you’ll get the products on time.

·         Offer sufficient and accurate details. When writing a purchase order, you must ensure the details in the letter are correct. A simple mistake can be costly, for example, adding an extra number on the products you’re ordering. You should also make sure the letter is simple to read and comprehend.

·         Adopt a good structure. In your letter, ensure the information is formatted correctly; this will increase readability and eliminate errors. You may choose to use different paragraphs or tables to ensure the information is clear, accurate, and specific.

2.             Don’ts of Writing Purchase Order

·         Order your products in time. Order your goods immediately; you’re ready for the purchased. This will ensure the goods are delivered on time. For example, if you’re ordering a gift for a special day, say mother’s day, ensure the seller has adequate time to process the order, and deliver the products. There’s no need to send a belated gift to a loved one when you could do that in time.

·         Avoid jargons. When writing your order letter, avoid using complex words or slang. Ensure the reader can understand the information in the letter, without difficulties.

·         Avoid irrelevant details. An order letter should be simple, clear, and to the point. The details in the letter should be related to the business. You may goal should be  to deliver the information in the simplest possible.

·         Be reasonable in your demands. In the order letter, you should avoid issuing unreasonable demands. You must understand suppliers deal with many orders at each moment, and the process follows a defined protocol. For example, you should not ask the seller to supplier the goods in a day if they usually take seven days. In this respect, it’s essential to acquaint yourself with the terms and conditions of the purchase.



An order letter is a communication medium in the form of a document containing details of the purchase of goods or services from one party to another. This letter serves as a contract between the seller and the buyer. This letter outlines the details of the merchandise or service. In placing an order, it is necessary to pay attention to several things such as the format of the order letter, as well as recommendations and restrictions on writing purchase orders, and others.


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