Making & Acknowledging Payment
Members of the group :
1. Rizki Ratnafuri (7101419157)
2. Naimatul Azizah (7101419158)
3. Ricky Hermawan Wibisono (7101419169)
payment letter is a letter sent from buyer to the seller stating that the item
has been received and that the payment promptly meets the agreed upon. (this is
like from buyer to seller)
main contents of the payment papers are as follows:
Stating the goods is well received.
Explain the ways of payment.
Expresses the impression to maintain a profitable partnership.
4. Ask
the seller to confirm the payment
A. Heading (kop surat)
Letter head :
· The name of Company.
· Full Company Address.
· Company logo, Contact information: phone number, fax number, email address, website URL, and Company registration number (if applicable).
B. Referance number (nomor filling intern)
The previous reference number of the seller's letter
to the buyer and reference number of letters to be sent
C. Dateline
Write the date when the letter made
D. Inside address
Who will get the letter
E. Salutation ()
Dear Mr ....
Dear Mrs ....
(To whomsoever it may concern)
You must already know the name of the person who
will receive the letter because it was in the previous letter. (if u dont know
the name of the person u can use this, example American : Dear Sirs; Gentlemen British : Dear Sir; Sir)
F. Subject
This is the section where in brief and concise terms
you will mention the subject of the letter. In this specific case of a late
payment letter you can mention the bill or invoice number.
G. Opening paragraph
In this section, you must inform the recipient of
the letter that you have received the letter and bill from the seller.
H. Reporting an instruction/ an action
Notify the recipient of the letter that payment has
been made using an agreed payment method such as instructing the bank to send
payment or enclose cheque to the letter.
I. Closing paragraph
The letter writer asks the recipient of the letter
to provide information / confirmation or an official receipt to the buyer when
he has received the money sent and all payment processes have been completed.
J. Complementary close
Final Goodbye;
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,
For informal u can use
Best regards,
As ever,
K. Signature, Name, And Position
Accounting Manager
L. Carbon copies
Payment Cheque
A. Opening paragraph
· Thank you for your invoice No. ……… of …………….
(Terima kasih atas faktur saudara No. ………. Tanggal …………………)
· Thankyou for your letter of …….. and enclosed invoice No. ………….
(Terima kasih atas surat saudara tanggal … dan faktur terlampir No.………...)
· We have received your letter of ……….. and enclosed invoiced No. …..
(Kami sudah menerima surat saudara tanggal …………….. dan faktur terlampir No ………………)
B. Reporting an instruction/an action
· We have instructed our bank to remit the sum of $/Rp ………. for the credit of your account at bank …………….
(Kami sudah menginstruksikan bank kami untuk mengirimkan uang sejumlah $/Rp…………..untuk dikreditkan di rekening saudara pada bank….)
· We enclose herewith our cheque No ……………… amounting to $/Rp…….. in settlement of your invoice No…………..
(Dengan ini kami lampirkan cek kami No…... sejumlah $/Rp…….. Sebagai penyelesaian faktur saudara No………..
C. Closing paragraph
· Please send us your official receipt for this settlement.
(Harap kirimkan kami tanda terima resmi saudara untuk penyelesaian ini)
1. Make sure you state explicitly what the
payment is for, or what payment/transaction the letter is in regard to.
2. Include all relevant information, such
as the parties involved, dates of payments and amounts due or guaranteed.
3. Be straightforward and polite. There is
no need to ramble, but a thank you goes a long way.
A. Defiiniton
payment is a written letter to inform an individual that the payment was made
by a certain authorized person and has been received successfully. This letter
will let the person know that there has been no confusion or mix-up with the
overdue payment.
B. Purpose
of Acknowledging Payment
Informing the
customer that you have received the payment and providing you with yet another
chance to advertise your or service.
It is written to
inform an individual that the payment was made by him or her after it being
past its due date has been received successfully.
C. Part
of Acknowledging Payment
1. A
If you’re
writing on a personal level, this isn’t required. But if this is on behalf of a
company, it is important to mention the name and address of your company and
recipient and the date of writing/sending the letter.
2. Header
Below these, you
will mention the date. It may or may not be a part of the header. You can start
from the next paragraph, leaving some space or the next line.
3. Subject
The subject will
talk about what was acknowledged, and it can be replaced by “reference” to a
previous case or invoice number.
4. Body
The body of the
letter can start with a “Dear ……….”. The first line will state the obvious. The
following phrases are common in the introduction:
o Firm is
acknowledging the receipt of the [type of] document(s)...
o I,
person, hereby acknowledge the receipt of the following document(s)...
o I, person,
on behalf of firm, am writing to confirm the receipt of…
o We, firm,
wish to thank recipient for sending us…
o I, person,
am writing in reference to the telephone conversation between recipient
and person/firm to confirm the... or something with similar wording.
o After
this introductory line will follow the details what was received or will be
done next, and if any goods are damaged, this is where to state it.
5. Closing
The closing line will be about how the firm wishes to do further business with the recipient or any statement that promotes goodwill. It can also state how to contact further or if the firm/person will contact with the recipient further, in case there is any necessity. It can end with a thank you, too, followed by a personal signature on behalf of the company. Keep in mind that automated acknowledgement letter doesn't include any sort of personal signature
D. Phrases
1. Opening
Thank you for
you letter of ……. advising us that you have instructed your bank to remit the
sum of $/Rp …….
(Terima kasih
atas surat saudara tanggal…………. yang memberitahukan kami bahwa saudara telah menginstruksikan bank saudara untuk
mengirimkan uang sejumlah $/Rp ………….)
Thank you for
your credit transfer you have made to our account at bank…….
(Terima kasih
atas transfer kredit saudara yang
saudara lakukan pada rekening kami pada
· Thank you for
your letter of…… enclosing a cheque for
$/Rp …….. in full settlement of our invoice No……..
(Terima kasih
atas surat saudara tanggal………… yang melampirkan selembar cek sejumlah $/Rp…………
untuk pembayaran penuh atas faktur kami No…………)
2. Describing Action
Our bank has advised us that they
have received the amount of $/Rp……. in settlement of our invoice.
(Bank kami sudah memberitahukan
kami bahwa mereka sudah menerima uang
sejumlah $/Rp ………… untuk penyelesaian faktur kami No…….)
3. Closing
· We thank you for
your prompt settlement of the invoice and look forward to receiving your next order.
(Kami ucapkan
terima kasih atas penyelesaian saudara yang cepat atas faktur kami dan kami
menunggu pesanan saudara berikutnya.)
· We enclose
our official receipt and
hope you will
be satisfied with
the goods we sent..
(Dengan ini kami
lampirkan tanda terima resmi kami dan kami harap saudara akan
puas dengan barang yang kami kirim.)
We are
pleased to enclose
our official receipt
and look forward
to receiving your next order.
(Dengan senang
hati kami lampirkan tanda terima resmi kami dan kami menunggu pesanan saudara selanjutnya.)
E. Tips
A few more
things you’ll need to remember include: firstly, timing. The confirmation
should be given when the materials are in hand, delay will only create
confusion and anxiety. From another point of view delay is again better than
never even acknowledging. Because delay can be apologised for. Not
acknowledging doesn’t have a fix. Secondly, outline. Check the dates,
specifications, make a list of the points and plan the placement of your
information. Take your time here. Consider reading from the recipient’s
perspective and sound sincere. Thirdly, keep it short and polite.
F. Samples
of Acknowledging Payment
Invoice is a document containing a list of
consignments accompanied by a description of the name, amount, price to be
paid. Apart from containing details of the purchase, invoices are often used as
a means of invoicing between sellers and buyers.
Sample :
A receipt is a document which is provided
by a business to its customers every time a product or service is sold. Its a
buyer’s proof of purchase or confirmation payment, usually in writing that is
issued after payment is received by the seller.
Sample :
A remittance advice is a document which
provides a breakdown of the invoices included on a payment. It is sent from a
customer to a supplier letting the supplier know they have paid their invoice.
In it's simpliest form it shows the invoice number and payment amount sent or
Sample :
Application from The Bank
Document that shows the payment made by the
buyer to the seller via the bank payment method. The buyer will transfer the
payment money through the buyer's bank to the seller's bank.
Sample :
Our group also has ppt and video which can be seen below !
PPT Making & Acknowledging Payment
Video Making & Acknowledging Payment :
Enjoy Study J
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