Sales Letter


Definiton Sales Letter

Sales letter is a letter written to persuade readers to buy, to get petronage and goodwill. They are sent to particular people to stimulate and inspire them to buy those particular goods and items.

Purpose of Sales Letter

1. Direct sale in case of mail order business

2. To market new product in potential buyers

3. To obtain an inquiry

4. To build good will

5. To prepare the ground for the visit of salesman

6. To reach sale resistant customers

7. To expand market

Parts of Sales Letter  & Example of Main Body

1. Heading : The beginning of a sales letter is considered to be its most important piece. In email sales letters this part is called email subject, and with webpages it takes the format of a title or headline, often followed by additional text called sub-heading.

2. Date : Include the date of writing

3. Inside address : Contains the address of the sender of the letter

4. Salutation

5. Main body, containing:

Attention :It means the writers should attract the readers attention

Example: Do you  sleep well every night? 

Desire : The writer should be able to arouse the reader's desire

Example: There are women who lose their health and beauty to save a few thousand 

Conviction : The writer should create conviction

Example: PEMBANGUNAN has more readers than any other magazine in Indonesia. It has three million and a half readers every two weeks

Action : The writer should be able to make the reader get an action

Example: There is no obligation on your part, merely drop the card  in the post or phone and one of our trained  representative will call and see you at any time you wish

6. Complementary close

7. Signature


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